By - Joseph Perrotta

The Free Financial Planning Website Everyone Should Use

Okay, so maybe the term “financial planning” in the title is used a bit liberally, but nonetheless, budgeting, cash flow and expense management, and investment consolidation are pretty important parts of financial planning. While I briefly mentioned this in a previous post about what to do if you hate apple trees, I truly believe that this website deserves its own

By - Joseph Perrotta

What To Do If You Hate Apple Trees

So clearly we are in the business of providing wealth management and financial planning services to clients. And we also know that most of you have at least some basic business sense. Assuming both of these assumptions are correct, why would we write a blog post applauding our competition, and giving you other options to choose from? Isn’t that just

By - Joseph Perrotta

Why You Should Thank Goldman Sachs

A lot has been written, reported, blogged, talked, and argued about lately regarding Goldman Sachs. Most of this talk has been negative, blaming them for the recent financial crisis, criticizing their executive compensation, and making public vendettas against the culture of the firm, as Greg Smith did in a recent op-ed for the New York Times. However, despite all of

By - Joseph Perrotta

What Golf Can Teach You About Financial Planning

I was out golfing earlier today for the first time in about four months. If you ask most golfers how their day went after being away from the course for that long, you will more than likely hear a slew of four letter expletives that I will not repeat here. However, I had one of the best rounds of my

By - Joseph Perrotta

Your Financial Advisor Charges WHAT???

According to a 2011 study that was jointly conducted by Cerulli Associates and Phoenix Marketing International, over 60% of all individuals either did not know how they paid for the financial advice they received, or thought the advice they received was free! Now, I can understand being confused as to how financial advisor’s are compensated. Aside from this not being

By - Joseph Perrotta

Does Your Financial Advisor Have Your Best Interest at Heart?

Most people are under the impression that their financial advisor (or stock broker, or financial consultant, or my personal favorite, First Vice President, which means nothing more than that individual has generated a certain amount of revenue for his/her company), always has their best interest at heart. As a previous employee of large financial conglomerate, I can assure you that