By - Joseph Perrotta

The $1 Million Financial Planning Mistake Made Under 30

So, you’re 21 years old, just graduated college, found yourself a job, and found your first apartment. Congratulations, you made it! You’re making $30,000 and barely getting by, but you’re out! Bring it on, world. Your first paycheck comes, and after paying your bills, you decide to splurge a bit and go out to a nice dinner. Why not, you

College Loan Outstanding
By - Joseph Perrotta

Student Loan Repayment Options – Pros and Cons

So you have taken the advice of your parents and others, completed college, obtained a bachelor’s degree, and if you took out a loan to pay for this expenses, now have over $25,000 in debt. Great. Oh, and to make matters worse, the unemployment rate for anyone under the age of 24 currently sits at close to 50%, and it